Thursday, March 6, 2008

The 2-Week Challenge - Day Three

Things are going fine and I am all adjusted to this plan. Again, I have done it so many times that it was just a matter of telling myself that it's time to act and things then seem to work okay. I did step on the scale today, which I rarely do, and I was happy.

I got in very late last night and did not go on-line! So your blog is TODAY and then check later for TODAY's.

Still haven't had my cheat meal but am feeling a latte coming on this morning.

Yesterday's meals were fine - there was a long lag between late afternoon and late dinner snack as I was busy! It happens! Funny, though, likely because there was such a huge gap between those meals was why I very late I craved a little "something". I behaved, though!

Turkey slices
Asparagus & zucchini
Brown rice
Black coffee (making it at home and saving money)
Joint repair

Leftover chicken breast
Cherry tomatoes

Black coffee

Leftover chicken breast
Asparagus & zucchini
Brown rice

Post-workout protein and amino acids

Turkey slices
Joint repair

Lots of water! Was busy and missed the dinner meal but the workout kept me from feeling the hunger. Today (Day 4) will be better. I miss having hot meals, so it will be good to do so today. The thing about packing the cooler is that everything is cold!!

CAMP Wednesday morning was awesome and the 5 of you kicked booty. It is fun for me also to hear the triumphs and also gripes about your 2-Week Challenge. I remain extremely proud to see all of your efforts!

Good luck staying active over the next several days!


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