Sunday, July 1, 2007

Go Livermore Campers!! And Other Notes

We started camp in Livermore at the beautiful, breezy park. The campers have shown a lot of drive and will definitely be hitting the terrain this coming week! What a treat to exercise in the outdoors!

Hard to believe this mild Summer weather, it's been great to get outside! I am finalizing the location for the Outdoor Tracy Fitness Camp which will begin late-July. Mornings and evenings are the ticket in Tracy.

What's next? Preliminary planning of a Women's only weekend retreat in the local area including fitness, nutrition, mind-body and massage. Stay tuned for info late Fall! What are your thoughts?

Oh, joy... it's time to go make a dinner and relax!


Saturday, June 9, 2007

Lisa Lisa

I miss Lisa. She has been an incredibly motivating client and friend. I really admire her constant drive in focusing on her workouts and her continued efforts towards the goal at hand. You GO GIRL! CBA!

Amidst Kettlebells and Paperwork

It's a beautiful day in Tracy where I am multi-tasking and listening to endless Fall Out Boy music in the backround hallway. Was I that crazy about music when I was young?

I am working on some kettlebell routines and advanced studies for a couple of clients and also sifting through, tackling and filing paperwork that never ends.

The next 6 week "OUTDOOR FITNESS CAMP" in Livermore begins in a few weeks. One good week of rest coming ahead. The parks have been wonderful in the last few months. Cannot wait to play and hope for the best weather.

What's next?
AMAZING stuff is ahead this year. Meanwhile I am trying to maintain my teaching schedule along with adding in a few of my own workouts.

Post-Thanksgiving Tidbits and Recipes

Making the best of time away from work and with family, I traveled several miles to visit my family and have a special holiday celebrating m...